My name is Manon and I am 19 years old. I am currently studying communication at the Koning Willem I college in S'-Hertogenbosch. I did my 16 week internship in Malta. I am very happy that I decided to do an internship abroad and with the help of Stagehuis everything turned out to be great. I will never forget this experience and it has been one of the best choices I have ever made!
I did my internship within a company which is situated in Sliema. It is in an English language school that offers courses for people from all over the world and from different ages. I have learned a lot about different cultures and ways of living because my roommates were Italian, Russian and Spanish.
It was really nice that that during this internship I was treated as an equal instead of as an intern. I had responsibilities and they were always prepared to help me. Working for Am language Studio definitely had some extra privileges because of the activities we did I have seen a lot of the island. In addition I should mention all the fun nights out in Paceville were there are parties every day of the week!!
Malta is a very beautiful country with a lot of history and a relaxed atmosphere. The people are very friendly and the weather is really nice. There is always something to do on the island and at night there are lots of parties. Life on Malta is one big party, its work, school and vacation all at once!
Experience overview